Published On: July 15, 2020Categories: Research

Dear Coaches,

We are contacting you regarding a study being conducted by Brock University looking at opinions of power cleans versus trap bar jumps and percentage-based training versus velocity-based training in practice. We are interested in investigating opinions of strength and conditioning coaches on exercise selection to train strength-power and loading prescription patterns.

This study will ask you a series of questions regarding your demographics, followed by 5 case-based questions. You will be asked questions about certifications you hold, membership associations, the country you work in, your level of education, your official title, how long you’ve been doing strength and conditioning related coaching, how old you are and your sex. There will also be questions describing your comfort level and experience using Olympic weightlifting, velocity-based training and percentage-based training. Following these demographic questions will be 5 case-based questions in which you will be asked to answer based on your own opinion. The survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes.

Participation in this project is voluntary and there is no requirement by your workplace or team to participate in this research project.

The survey will be administered via If you wish to participate in this study, please use the link below.  You will first be prompted to an informed consent form.  By choosing to complete the survey, your consent will be documented. 

A link to the survey can be found at:

Following completion of the project, requests for feedback about this study may be made by contacting Nicole Chimera, PhD, CAT(C), ATC, CSCS via email at Feedback will be available following the expected completion date of this project of September 1st, 2020.

If you have any questions about this study or require further information, please contact Nicole Chimera, PhD, CAT(C), ATC, CSCS using the contact information provided above. This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through the Research Ethics Board at Brock University [file #19-357]. If you have any comments or concerns about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Research Ethics Office at (905) 688-5550 Ext. 3035,

Thank you for your time.


Nicole Chimera, PhD, CAT(C), ATC, CSCS

Associate Professor

Department of Kinesiology

Brock University

Gillian DiMaria, 4th year BKin Student

Brock University

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