Published On: January 27, 2022Categories: Interviews

Hayley Legg PhD, CSCS,*D, ASCC

Hayley is the Clinical and Sport Scientist at Craven SPORT services, Saskatchewan, supporting the S&C and Physiotherapy teams. Additionally, Hayley is a Senior Lecturer at St. Mary’s University in London, contributing to the distance learning Strength & Conditioning Science Master’s program. Prior to this, she contributed to the undergraduate Sport Science and Strength & Conditioning Science degree programs for a decade. She completed her PhD at the University of Saskatchewan, focusing on upper body strength capacity in an aging population. Hayley has been an accredited strength and conditioning coach since 2008, works with a wide range of clients and athletes in both Canada and the UK and was selected to be a member of the CSCA’s Advisory Team 2022.

CSCA As a sport scientist and strength and conditioning coach, what led you down the path of pursuing a PhD?

HL – Working in academia, it was a natural progression to complete a PhD. I spent a number of years holding off until I found the right project I wanted to be involved in. I was able to combine my experiences as an S&C practitioner in a performance environment to inform choices and decisions for research questions in a health and injury avoidance world.

CSCA Your PhD research on upper body strength capacity in our aging population is intriguing. Can you share with our readers the 1 or 2 most significant take away point(s)?

HL – I think it is fairly well known that we lose our strength as we get older and our risk of falling is increased. My research focused on the role of upper body strength and your ability to catch yourself when you fall forward (and potentially avoid a head or trunk injury). Overall the research portfolio focused on strength and speed as modifiable factors that can be improved. The findings suggest strength appears to play a role in how older adults are able to move their arms quickly to prepare for a forward fall impact and how they then subsequently control the forces generated at impact.

CSCA What do you find most challenging in balancing your role at the clinic (Craven SPORT services) with your teaching role at St. Mary’s University in London? 

HL – In all honesty the two roles complement each other very well. I use my experiences with clients to inform my teaching and the research we conduct, and the underpinning theoretical knowledge from my role at the University helps to inform my practice. Having multiple career hats has required having an exceptional time management skill set, earlier in my career this took some time to figure out, but I’ve learned that it is important to establish shared boundaries and expectations from everyone’s perspective.

CSCA Can you share the things you love about living in Saskatchewan?

Generally, my favourite things about Saskatchewan involve being outside. I love to go for family cross-country skis at River Ridge in the winter and summer times are spent adventuring in and out of the city.

To learn more about Craven SPORT services click HERE

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