Industry News and Research

CSCA Board of Directors 2025

Congradulations to the CSCA's new Board for 2025 to 2027. Kevin Iwasa-Madge, RD, CSEP-CEP, CSCP (CSCA President) Kevin currently works as a Strength and Conditioning Coach and Sport Nutritionist at the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario (CSIO). With a robust background in both athletic performance and sports science, he is a Canadian Strength and Conditioning Professional (CSCP), Registered Dietitian (RD), Clinical Exercise Physiologist (CEP), and a High Performance Certified (HPC) Member of Sport Scientist Canada. Kevin holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Guelph and a Master’s degree from Toronto Metropolitan University. As a former member of the Canadian National [...]

January 25, 2025|Categories: CSCA|


2024 CSCA Annual General Meeting   The CSCA Annual General Meeting is an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of the organization in the past year, and to set a course for the next year in our effort to promote the profession of strength and conditioning in Canada. All members are invited to attend Sunday, November 24, 2024 at 6:00pm EST which will be hosted virtually through the Zoom platform. Details have already been sent to the CSCA membership, however, if you are not yet a member, you are able to attend and vote if you secure your membership prior to [...]

October 29, 2024|Categories: CSCA|

Lumin Strength and Conditioning Textbooks

Lumin has provided a couple of really great resources for Strength and Conditioning Coaches at every stage in their journey. The High Performance Coaching Blueprint and Strength & Conditioning: How to Program, Train and Recover are two excellent and easy reads. Both books are structured into multiple chapters, each with a different topic or focus area and each written by a different coach from various organizations. There are coaches from pro sports, tactical, college, and everything in between. Each chapter covers a different topic or focus, which means you don’t have to crank out the whole thing in one [...]

September 23, 2024|Categories: CSCA, Member Only|

Why Get CSCA-CSCP Certified?

Written by: Dr. Trevor Cottrell, PhD, CSCP The CSCA has initiated phase one of the installment of their new Canadian Strength and Conditioning Professional (CSCP) credential with the acceptance of Legacy applicants from our existing practicing professionals. The creation of this credential is the result of a significant amount of consultation with stakeholders and is an important step in increasing the credibility and quality control within the strength and conditioning industry in Canada. Worldwide there are numerous strength and conditioning certifications with the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) credential being considered as [...]

July 31, 2024|Categories: CSCA|

Application de l’héritage du Professionnel Canadien de la force et du Conditionnement (CSCP)

VUE D'ENSEMBLE Le titre de Professionnel Canadien de la force et du conditionnement (CSCP) est attribué à une personne qui a satisfait à toutes les exigences en matière d'études et d'expérience professionnelle définies par l'Association Canadienne de la force et du conditionnement. Le CSCP encourage tous les préparateurs physiques qui exercent actuellement au Canada à envisager de compléter leur titre de compétence du PCFC via Legacy. Il s'agit d'un moyen abordable et facile de s'établir dans le milieux comme ayant un ensemble de compétences supérieur aux exigences de certification existantes en matière de préparation physique. Le fait d’être certifié CSCP [...]

April 25, 2024|Categories: CSCA|

Canadian Strength and Conditioning Professional (CSCP) Legacy Application

OVERVIEW The Canadian Strength and Conditioning Professional (CSCP) credential is allocated to an individual who has completed all academic and professional experience requirements set forth by the Canadian Strength and Conditioning Association. The CSCA is encouraging all currently practicing strength and conditioning coaches in Canada to consider completing their CSCP credential through the Legacy pathway. This is an affordable and easy way to establish yourself in the industry as having a skill set that is superior to existing strength and conditioning certification requirements. Being CSCP Legacy credentialled provides you with the ability to be a CSCP New Professional mentor and [...]

April 25, 2024|Categories: CSCA|

CSCA Novia Scotia Conference Recap 2024

Written by Shauna Forsyth - CSCA Vice President and Regional Conference Coordinator. Dalhousie University was again the gracious host for our 2024 CSCA Atlantic regional conference. This one day event was well attended by S&C professionals working both in the U-Sport and private performance sector, along with numerous Kinesiology students eager to learn more about the intricacies of high performance training and achieving success as a strength and conditioning coach. Registration took place in Dalhousie’s High Performance room and was a great opportunity for the attendees to reconnect with former classmates and colleagues. VALD, our regional sponsor for the second [...]

April 25, 2024|Categories: CSCA|

CSCA Speaker Spotlight – Vince Lucente

The CSCA was proud to have Vince Lucente from Atlantic Sports Performance as a speaker at our most recent even in Novia Scotia on April 6 2024. Vince, a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Mental Performance Coach, has led varsity sports performance programs for over 5 years, along with a successful private sector career in the profession. Vince believes in creating solutions-driven, collaborative systems with physical, mental, and nutritional emphasis to optimize sports and life performance. Director of Strength and Conditioning: Seneca College; lead high-performance coach - Acadia University; head Strength and conditioning coach Oshawa Generals (OHL); tactical [...]

April 25, 2024|Categories: CSCA|

CSCA Speaker Spotlight- Frank McKinnon

The CSCA was proud to have Frank McKinnon from VALD Canada as a speaker at our most recent conference in Novia Scotia on April 6 2024. Frank is the commercial director for VALD Canada bringing extensive experience in health and sports technology to his role. Frank has over 25 years’ experience developing and implementing systems and processes leveraging innovative technology to enhance performance and outcomes. Frank presented on the topic of 'Best Practice for Athlete Testing Events – A PM Perspective'. In his presentation he spoke on the trend of democratizing athlete testing combines signifies a transition from exclusivity [...]

April 25, 2024|Categories: CSCA|

CSCA and CSEP Collaboration Announcement

The Canadian Strength and Conditioning Association (CSCA) in partnership with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) is excited to announce the development and launch of Canada’s first and only strength and conditioning credential, the Certified Strength and Conditioning Professional (CSCP). The CSCP credential is allocated to an individual who has completed all academic and professional experience requirements and successfully demonstrated coaching and knowledge proficiencies set forth by the CSCA’s newly developed mentorship program.  Through continued collaboration with various national organizations, both employers and athletes will recognize that the CSCP qualifies a strength and conditioning professional to design and administer [...]

February 21, 2024|Categories: Business, CSCA, Industry|

CSCA In-person and Virtual Conference 2023 Recap

Based on CSCA members' feedback and expressed desire, the CSCA Annual Conference for 2023 was a mix between in person regional events, and virtual sessions from coast to coast. The conference began on Friday May 12th with a virtual keynote shared across the country facilitated by Andrea Neil. Her session related to developing leadership as a coach was insightful and well received by the CSCA conference attendees. Follow the keynote address, CSCA President Trevor Cottrell shared information related to the CSCA professional acreditation coming for S&C profressionals. If you did not attend the session, be sure to follow the CSCA [...]

May 23, 2023|Categories: CSCA|

CSCA 2022 AGM President’s Summary

As we embark on the 2023 training year, I felt it was a good time to share a summary our 2022 AGM outcomes and the strategies for growth for this year.  AGM’s are rarely the highlight of a year, but they are an important milestone for the association as it provides an opportunity for all members to be involved in setting the direction for the next fiscal year. The major event of the AGM that establishes the year’s agenda is the election of the new Board. In this election cycle there were four positions available which were filled with energetic [...]

January 27, 2023|Categories: CSCA|

CSCA Board of Directors 2023

Once again there is representation on the CSCA Board from members living coast to coast. Joe McCullumHead Strength and Conditioning Coach – UBC It is my goal to help promote the CSCA on the West Coast and help build membership within the community here. I hope to give back to the industry and encourage others to stay in the profession and build meaningful careers. Joe McCullum Cole Hergott Head Strength and Conditioning Coach – Trinity Western I want to help grow the S&C industry in Canada. I feel as though I have lots to offer, being from the West, being [...]

January 27, 2023|Categories: CSCA|Tags: |

Meet Your BOD Nominees

We had eight nominees come forward to fill the seven BOD positions available. Elections will take place at the 2022 AGM on Sunday, November 20, at 6:30pm EST. Please see the nomination statements below: Joe McCullumHead Strength and Conditioning Coach – UBC It is my goal to help promote the CSCA on the West Coast and help build membership within the community here. I hope to give back to the industry and encourage others to stay in the profession and build meaningful careers. Cole Hergott Head Strength and Conditioning Coach – Trinity Western I want to help grow the S&C [...]

November 6, 2022|Categories: CSCA|Tags: |


The CSCA AGM will take place on Sunday, November 20 at 6:30pm EST. We have 3 Board of Director openings we are looking to fill. If you are interested in playing a part in the growth of our association, please download the nomination form below. Nominations are due no later than October 29 at 11:59pm. For information email: CSCA-Directors-Nomination-Form-and-Requirements-2021-1Download

October 23, 2022|Categories: CSCA|Tags: |

CSCA Private Members Networking Forum #1

On July 21, 2022, the CSCA Executive hosted the first private members forum event. The purpose of these events is to provide an opportunity for CSCA members to meet virtually and interact, and get updates on activities across the nation. In this first forum the focus was on the CSCA certification plans and major association objectives for this year. Future events will have more of a business focus with discussions on business planning, marketing and branding.

August 5, 2022|Categories: CSCA|Tags: |

Advisory Team Spotlight: Belinda Cox – Guinness World Record Holder

Belinda Cox is a teacher and S&C coach living in Ontario. She is also humble and a World Record Holder for completing the most burpees in one hour. CSCA Please tell us about your teaching experience BC - I am going into my sixteenth year of high school teaching. I started my career in Shelburne, Ontario. When I first started teaching phys-ed, I taught the way I was mentored to teach and the way I experienced phys-ed when I was in class. It was all sport-skill based. One week of soccer, one week of basketball, one week of health…etc. It [...]

July 23, 2022|Categories: CSCA, Interviews|

McMaster University – Performance and Wellness Workshop August 5-7

McMaster Performance, the Marauders' elite-athlete training program, in partnership with McMaster University's Department of Kinesiology, are hosting a three-day Performance and Wellness workshop to engage leading industry professionals and those exploring a career in strength & conditioning or human kinetics. The event, hosted at the Marauders' new, state-of-the-art High Performance Area from August 5-7, 2022, will feature guest speakers, panelists and interactive workshops covering a range of topics on biomechanics, coaching strategies, clinical integration, motivation, career paths, and more. "Here at McMaster, we understand the importance of seeing things from a holistic perspective when it comes to training and performance with [...]

July 14, 2022|Categories: CSCA, Industry|Tags: |
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