Industry News and Research

Finding a Career Using Social Media

Social media is an important resource for finding companies that may be ideal employers for a strength and conditioning coach. Learn the functionality of the different social media platforms that can be used in your job search and how to set up your online network.

June 14, 2022|Categories: CSCA|Tags: |

CSCA Members Welcome

Thank you for registering for your CSCA General Membership. Membership has its benefits and they continue to grow. The CSCA is entirely run by volunteers and we are in the process of building out our membership portal to include: Important job postingsProfessional development webinars and articlesContinuing education webinars and articlesFacility design resourcesProfessional liability insurance accessAccess to professionals in your area Be sure to join our Facebook private members page for regular updates of our upcoming forums and events.

June 14, 2022|Categories: CSCA|Tags: |


REGISTER HERE Registration closes on May 4th 11:59pm ET DATES: Friday May 6th and Saturday May 7th, 2022 WHERE: Virtual (Conference Link will be sent to participants the week leading up to the conference) General Admission = $50 CSCA Conference Schedule 2022 FRIDAY MAY 6th (7pm-9pm ET) OPENING KEYNOTE The Importance of Mastery for the S&C Coach (Dr Stuart McGill) Consider the spectrum of health care and illness prevention. Fact: every system in the body requires appropriate movement, and stress, for optimal health. Now consider who is the movement specialist within the life-long heath rubric? Also consider who guides the path [...]

April 29, 2022|Categories: CSCA, Industry|Tags: |

Letter From the CSCA President 2022

Dear CSCA Supporters,As the CSCA continues to grow and evolve, I am excited to announce our new Board of Directors (BOD) and Executive as we navigate through many important milestones in 2022.  Our BOD is composed of seven members; Shauna Forsyth, Sam Eyles-Frayne, Samantha Pritchard, Steve Lidstone, Marcello Campanaro, myself, and CSCA Founder and Inaugural President Sheldon Persad who will continue to serve as an Advisor to the Board.  I will be serving in the President role for this year, along with Shauna Forsyth as Vice President, and Sam Eyles-Frayne serving dual roles as Secretary and Treasurer.  This will be [...]

January 15, 2022|Categories: CSCA|

Call for Advisory Team Members

We would like to invite members of our strength and conditioning community to become an Advisory Team Member (ATM). An ATM will be called upon to assist in many tasks, including; promoting the CSCA through social media, contributing articles for our newsletters, serving on committees, assisting in our yearly conference planning, and general planning for the organization. The ATM will be asked to attend the Annual General Meeting and will have voting rights on motions and elections for the organization. The ATM is an individual currently immersed in the profession who feels they could contribute time and resources to assist [...]

December 3, 2021|Categories: Business, Career, CSCA, Industry|


REGISTRATION CLOSES THURSDAY APRIL 29TH AT 12NOON EST / DATE: Saturday May 1st, 2021 WHERE: Virtual (Conference Link will be sent to participants the week leading up to the conference) Pre Conference Session and Introductions 10:40 - 11am EST BLOCK 1 12noon- 2:00 (AST), 11:00am- 1:00pm (EST), 8:00am- 10:00am (PST) Speakers: David Behm, Darren Steeves, Jonathon Fowles, Josh Nowlan, Ethan Rendell-Watson Moderator: Shauna Forsyth David Behm: Benefits of stretching for health: injury risk reduction and pain control  Evidence for the effectiveness of acute and chronic stretching for improving range of motion (ROM) is extensive and strong. Improved flexibility can have positive [...]

April 27, 2021|Categories: Business, CSCA, Industry, Interviews|

Meet Your 2021 Directors – Elliott Richardson, MSc, CSCS

As an athlete, Elliott played professionally in the Canadian Football League (CFL) for 3 years. Once his player career was over, he went back to his alma mater, Acadia University, as a volunteer S&C coach. Within a year it led to him becoming Acadia’s first dedicated, full-time S&C coach, a role that he fulfilled for 10 years before transitioning into the role of Manager, Sports Performance. Currently, Elliott works with Canadian Armed Forces members in the area of physical preparation. He holds an MSc. Strength & Conditioning (with distinction) from St. Mary’s University – Twickenham, London.

January 1, 2021|Categories: CSCA|

Meet Your 2021 Directors – Sam Eyles-Frayne, R.Kin, MSc, CSCS*D

Sam Eyles-Frayne is currently the Head Strength and Conditioning (S&C) Coach at York University. Prior to this position, she was an S&C Coach at the Canadian Sport Institute Ontario (CSIO) for nearly four years, with a focus in working with Cycling Canada’s track sprint and endurance athletes. In addition to Cycling Canada, her experience includes working with athletes from 7 different national team programs who have competed at world championships, the Commonwealth Games, the Pan-American games, and the Summer Olympics. Sam spent three years at Sheridan College, managing their multipurpose Strength and Conditioning Research Centre and composed, implemented, and trained [...]

January 1, 2021|Categories: CSCA|

Meet Your 2021 Directors – Samantha Pritchard, BSc, MSc

Samantha is the Sr. Manager of Sport Science and Sport Medicine at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Prior to joining UBC in 2018, Samantha was lead, Sport Biomechanist and Performance Analyst for the Canadian Sport Institute Pacific. In her role, she worked with hundreds of provincial and national team athletes from a variety in sports ranging from freestyle skiing to wheelchair rugby. Samantha holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. from McMaster University where she started her sporting career as a strength and conditioning coach.

January 1, 2021|Categories: CSCA|

Meet Your 2021 Directors – Shauna Forsyth, MS, CSCS, PN1

Shauna is the owner of Maritime Strength and Conditioning in Windsor Nova Scotia where her work primarily focuses on developing area youth and high school athletes. She also provides personal training and injury rehabilitative services to the community and is responsible for the strength and conditioning programming for the King’s-Edgehill School Prep Athletic Programs. Shauna has worked as a strength and conditioning coach for 15 years in both the private and university sector. She earned an Athletic Therapy degree from Northern Vermont University before obtaining a master’s degree in Applied Exercise Science, specializing in strength and conditioning from Springfield College [...]

January 1, 2021|Categories: CSCA|

Meet Your 2021 Directors – Sheldon Persad, MSc, CSCS, CPTN-CPT.M, SWC

Sheldon’s clientele has extended to four continents. Sheldon is an NCCP certified coach in several different sports and also a certified Stress and Wellness Consultant (Canadian Institute of Stress & Hans Selye Foundation). 2021 will be Sheldon's 35th year as a sport coach.  As an S&C coach, his experience includes working with athletes who have competed at world championships, the Commonwealth Games, the Pan-American games, and the Olympics (summer and winter) from close to two dozen different national team programs. He is a co-founder of the Certified Professional Trainers Network (CPTN), a co-founder of the Canadian Strength and Conditioning Association [...]

January 1, 2021|Categories: CSCA|

Meet Your 2021 Directors – Trevor Cottrell, PhD, CSCS

Dr. Trevor Cottrell has been a professor of Kinesiology and Health Promotion at Sheridan College for the past 15 years. His education includes an undergraduate degree in Kinesiology from the University of Waterloo, a Masters degree in Exercise Science from Northern Arizona University, a doctoral degree in Physiology from the University of Arizona, and postdoctoral work at Queen’s University. His expertise spans human physiology from cellular biochemistry to applied human performance with a current research focus on optimizing training interventions for maximal power performance. He has developed extensive curriculum in human performance coaching and developed coach education programs in Canada [...]

December 1, 2020|Categories: CSCA|

CSCA Director Spotlight: Richmond Oval’s Andrew Clark

CSCA: How did you get started in the industry? I first started working with athletes towards the end of my undergrad at the University of Victoria. At the time, UVIC’s Exercise Science and Physical Education department had some inspiring professors and a great group of master’s students including Ben Sporer and Chad Benson. I worked at the university’s gym and was continually exposed to these individuals and the varsity athletes. Similar to a lot of young coaches I tried to absorb as much as I could from those around me, read as much as possible, attended seminars and started to [...]

January 30, 2020|Categories: CSCA|

About the Canadian Strength and Conditioning Association

BRIEF HISTORY Conversations about the formation of a Canadian S&C Association have been on-going in pockets across Canada for over 20 years. On April 4, 2013 we were close. However, debates centred around what the association’s focus should be, without conclusion. Nevertheless, there is a debt of gratitude that needs to be expressed to many individuals for their outstanding work and time devoted in attempting to get an association off the ground at that April 4th meeting in Toronto. In attendance at that meeting were practitioners who worked in the universities, colleges, public sector, private sector, amateur high-performance sport and [...]

January 26, 2019|Categories: CSCA, Industry|
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