Jon Reid – Programming Considerations for Amateur Hockey
Jon Reid is a former Junior and University Hockey player who went on to complete a Bachelor of Physical Education, along with a Master’s in the Science of Kinesiology at Memorial University of Newfoundland. As a former athlete, Jon has always been interested in strength and conditioning and overall athlete development. As Jon’s hockey career came to an end, it was rewarding to find a career path to help enhance the development of athletes. This brought Jon to his current position at APSolute Performance and Wellness, where he oversees the Strength and Conditioning department and delivers programming to both amateur [...]
Psychosocial Stress and Strength & Conditioning
Hans Selye (1936) was the first to describe the adaptive nature of a living organism in response to stress. Selye’s theory focused on the role of the adrenal cortex response as critical to both the adaptive and maladaptive responses to stressors. Cortisol, a glucocorticoid, is a steroid hormone produced by the zona fasiculata of the adrenal cortex of the adrenal gland (Hackney and Walz, 2013). The glucocorticoids play a role in maintaining a euglycemic state of blood glucose by stimulating gluconeogenesis, the synthesis of glucose from non carbohydrate sources like amino acids in the liver, stimulating the expression of enzymes [...]
Make Them Feel Special: 4 Tips to Building Relationships within your Athletic Department
When it comes to being a Strength & Conditioning Coach in an academic setting (University, College, High School), there are many challenges that come with the job that can include lack of space/funding, scheduling issues, as well as long hours with low pay. The biggest struggle I have encountered in my three years working full-time in this setting, is getting the buy-in of both the sport coaches and student-athletes. S&C professionals don’t have much say when it comes to playing time for athletes (unless you are a dual role S&C/Sport Coach). Due to this athlete engagement can be limited and [...]