février 2019 ARTICLES

Nouvelles et recherches sur l’industrie

Current State of Strength & Conditioning at the University & Collegiate Level in Canada

The Past The strength and conditioning profession at the university and collegiate levels in Canada has grown significantly over the past 10 to 15 years. I can remember being hired as the first full-time OUA strength and conditioning coach by York University in 2004 and wondering if I had any colleagues north of the border.  I was aware of previous coaches like Scott Livingston, hired at Concordia in 1990 within the RSEQ, however those positions were few and far between.  When I acquired the position at York, various universities were beginning to post positions for full-time strength and conditioning coaches. [...]

février 19, 2019|Categories: L'industrie|

Three Eastern Stars in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia

Doing an outstanding job in strength and conditioning for a small group is challenging enough but imagine managing over 200 athletes a year. This is what most professionals take on when employed by a Canadian university; although it was not that long ago when there was no strength and conditioning staff. Only in the past 10-12 years has there been a recognition and hiring of professional staff at this level. Previously it was volunteers, kinesiology interns, or left up to the head coach to write and manage the strength and conditioning programs for their athletes. The field has grown but [...]

février 9, 2019|Categories: Carrière|

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