avril 2019 ARTICLES

Nouvelles et recherches sur l’industrie

Nova Scotia’s Shauna Forsyth

This is an interview on behalf of the CSCA with someone I have not met yet but had heard about. S&C is not big in the Atlantic region at the high school level. Most athletes or teams would go to private centers or contract someone for a few hours or search out a volunteer to run sessions. Shauna works at a private school in Nova Scotia and uniquely carved out a position for herself and is making it work as many of us have in our field.    CSCA: Were you hired as a designated S&C Coach without additional teaching [...]

avril 28, 2019|Categories: Formation des jeunes|

Saskatchewan’s Warren Gilroy

Warren is a lifelong sport and fitness enthusiast. While growing up in Oxbow, Saskatchewan, Warren was a lifeguard and competed in a variety of sports including volleyball, basketball, track and field, curling and badminton. Warren’s passion for volleyball turned into a 2-year debut with the University of Regina Cougar Men’s Volleyball Team. Following his intervarsity stint, Warren committed his time to coaching. Warren has coached many volleyball teams over the past few years, both as a head coach as well as an assistant coach. Warren believes that every individual is capable of living an active healthy lifestyle no matter what [...]

avril 28, 2019|Categories: Formation des jeunes|

Using an Integrated Team Approach to Help Clients Reach Their Potential

(by Sarah Applegarth MSc, CSCS, R.Kin, CSEP-CEP) Whether it’s an NHL level hockey player, a teenage provincial lacrosse player or a Masters ski racer it’s not just about working out hard to achieve health and performance goals.  Time needs to be spent “working in” and connecting the mind and body together to ensure everything is firing in the proper sequence when it should be in order to optimize workouts and stay injury free.  When new clients come through your door they will have a sense of why they are coming to you but not necessarily a plan of how to [...]

avril 1, 2019|Categories: L'industrie|

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