avril 2020 ARTICLES

Nouvelles et recherches sur l’industrie

CSCA Interview: Effects of Isometric Strength Training on Strength and Dynamic Performance

During the COVID-19 challenges, isometric training may be a viable programming option. As such, the CSCA interviewed Danny Lum co-author of a review paper on isometric training to gain his insights. Full citation: Lum, Danny and Barbosa, Tiago.  Brief Review:  Effects of Isometric Strength Training on Strength and Dynamic Performance. International Journal of Sports Medicine.  2019; 40:363-375.  CSCA - Danny, please introduce yourself to our readers.    DL - I am the Team Lead for Strength and Conditioning at the Singapore Sport Institute. I am also undergoing my PhD study at Nanyang Technological University. My main areas of interest include isometric [...]

avril 30, 2020|Categories: Programmation|

Rising Stars from Brock University – Vicki Bendus and Dave McDowell

 Vicki Bendus  CSCA - Why did you become an S&C coach?  VB - I never thought I’d be a coach. I actually thought I didn’t like coaching when I was first exposed to it as a hockey camp instructor in high school. It was exhausting and, man, those kids don’t listen…And yet, here we are.   Like many S&C coaches, my journey began as an athlete. I started with my first S&C coach at age 12. My dad reached out to a young, up and coming coach in Collingwood, Sarah Applegarth, who ended up making an incredible impact on me [...]

avril 30, 2020|Categories: Interviews|

St. Francis Xavier University’s Head S&C Coach

CSCA - Why did you become an S&C coach?  JC - I think multiple factors ultimately led to me becoming an S&C coach. Since I can remember, my whole life has revolved around sport. Growing up, I was very fortunate to have supportive parents that were both former competitive athletes and eventually became coaches. I believe this is where my initial interest in coaching developed. I always knew I wanted to work in sport in some capacity, however, if you were to tell me back in high school that I would become an S&C coach one day, I probably would [...]

avril 30, 2020|Categories: Interviews|

Rising S&C Star in BC: Cody Piwowar-Desilets

CSCA - Why did you become an S&C coach?   CPD - I had my first strength and conditioning coach at the age of 15.  I don’t think I fully appreciated it at the time but the training was a key factor in the transformation of my physical abilities and my success over the years as an athlete. The experience really made me recognize the tremendous impact that strength and conditioning could have on the development of athletic abilities and drives me today to provide the same opportunity and results to the athletes under my care. I started to go down a [...]

avril 30, 2020|Categories: Interviews|

Explosive Isometrics for Sports Performance: Going Nowhere… Fast!

Abstract Explosive isometrics can be a valuable addition to a training program seeking to develop maximal strength and power. This article provides guidelines for using isometric training in both a high-performance setting, as well as providing alternative options when equipment is limited. Key Words; Isometrics, Strength, Power, limited equipment Introduction A focus on specific Isometric training may not be a method used as often as concentric and eccentric training. It is admittedly less glamorous, and harder to quantify compared to squatting 500lbs or bench pressing 300lbs, but it can have similar benefits.  It may be even more sport specific than [...]

avril 29, 2020|Categories: Programmation|

Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI) with Trevor Cottrell and Chris Juneau

Femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) is becoming a common injury amongst athletes who participate in full squat training and Olympic weightlifting.  Anatomical design, when combined with a repeated full range of hip flexion under load, can result in one or more types of lesions of the hip joint, which is vulnerable during these types of activities.    FAI occurs when the ball-shaped femoral head contacts the acetabulum abnormally, or does not permit a normal range of motion in the acetabular socket.  The pain is associated with damage to the articular cartilage, or labral cartilage (soft tissue, ring-shaped bumper of the socket), or [...]

avril 28, 2020|Categories: Réservé aux membres|Tags: |

International Hockey Performance Summit 2020 – Goes Virtual

The International Hockey Performance Summit has gone completely virtual due to the circumstances of COVID.  We have retained all the amazing content, reformatted the schedule, and will be adding some content on the Friday evening as well!  We are recording the entire event, so if you are registered, even if you miss some sessions, you’ll have access to all this amazing content after the event ends. We hope to see you on Zoom in a few months when all of hockey’s great performance minds come together! https://reconditioninghq.com/ihps/ click HERE to register

avril 26, 2020|Categories: Carrière, L'industrie|

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