juin 2020 ARTICLES

Nouvelles et recherches sur l’industrie

A Brief Review of the Safety and Efficacy of Olympic Weightlifting and Plyometric Training

*authors note: this article was originally written to assist a colleague who works in a sport environment and was facing resistance from a management group that did not want to permit Olympic weightlifting or plyometric training due to concerns over injury risk Introduction A major concern of implementing the Olympic weightlifting (OL) exercises and plyometrics (plyo) into a sport performance program is the perceived risk of injury erroneously associated with these exercises.  This concern is largely the result of assumptions made by coaches, parents, and program managers regarding the risks associated with moving loads at high rates of speed.  As [...]

juin 18, 2020|Categories: Programmation|Tags: |

Transitioning from Amateur to Professional Sport

I don’t need to be the first to tell you that we are living through a very interesting time. A global pandemic taking shape and stopping everything we know...including sports! Who knew sports could be stopped?! Regardless of the current climate, let me walk you through some of the things I have experienced upon taking a new role in professional sport. Earlier this year, I left the Canadian Olympic Sport system, and took a role in strength and conditioning and sport science with the Chicago Cubs. I had been working at Institut National du Sport du Quebec for 6 years, [...]

juin 18, 2020|Categories: Carrière, Interviews|

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