septembre 2020 ARTICLES

Nouvelles et recherches sur l’industrie

The Effect of Observing a Fatigue Protocol on Subsequent Endurance Performance in a Recreationally Active Female Population

Erika Noel, Courtney Hanlon, Bethany Lidstone, Mackenzie Pope, Shahab Alizadeh, David G Behm School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada CSCA's note: Our primary goal is to showcase Canadian S&C coaches. Additionally, we look to shine a spotlight on studies and papers written by Canadian students and researchers that are relevant to S&C coaches. This is an example of a paper by a Canadian student on a topic that is especially relevant during these challenging times. Author's note: Originally, this study was conducted as an undergraduate honours research project, which was cut short due to the [...]

septembre 2, 2020|Categories: Recherche|Tags: |

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