octobre 2020 ARTICLES

Nouvelles et recherches sur l’industrie

You Can’t Fake Strong!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cSh0dLeIBI 38 year veteran S&C Coach Peter Renzetti chatting to the players Before you read this article, please note that the comment section is activated. Share your comments afterwards! How appropriate that I took the time to write this article over the Thanksgiving weekend. As I reflect on some of the questions before me it is a perfect time for me to be so grateful as I look back on 38 years as a strength & conditioning coach. I can proudly look back as somewhat of a OG in the field and more importantly I am awed and grateful for [...]

octobre 30, 2020|Categories: Interviews|

Take Safe Sport Training

The Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) is a wonderful organization, with a rich history of supporting coaches in our great country. The CSCA has connected with the CAC about our desire to encourage ALL S&C Coaches, regardless of focus or experience, to take the CAC's Safe Sport Training Course. It will take roughly 90mins to complete, if you don't have a locker room account with the CAC you can set one up for free, and take the course for free. Please take the time to complete the training. It is an important step in your journey as a professional. CLICK [...]

octobre 30, 2020|Categories: Carrière, L'industrie|

Training A Pro During a Pandemic

It goes without saying that it has been a strange past 7 months for anyone with a job.  The uncertainty of when restrictions will be lifted, what government guidelines will be and when businesses will open, has made it a challenge to plan, prepare and pivot to adapt.  For professional athletes, the job of keeping their bodies ready for intense competition, without a known start date has created an interesting dilemma.  For Strength and Conditioning Coaches responsible for helping these athletes prepare for uncertain upcoming seasons, it requires creativity and planning that they may not have experienced before and may never experience [...]

octobre 29, 2020|Categories: Ressources COVID-19|

Working in the NBA and NHL: Dr. Craig Slaunwhite

Introduction and interview by CSCA Founding Director and current CSCA Advisory Team member Darren Steeves:  You know you are getting “older” when you are interviewing a veteran in the field that you trained many moons ago. Coach Slaunwhite was an athlete I got to watch and work with early in my career at Dalhousie University. He was an athlete above the rest. The one who took everything serious and left no stone unturned when it came to his own development. When other athletes were using alcohol on Saturday night or going out for some fast food he declined as it took away [...]

octobre 29, 2020|Categories: Interviews|

The 2020 Roller Coaster in Beach Volleyball

On February 28, 2020 I was flying home from the Canadian Olympic Committee’s final site visit before the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo.  The venue, Olympic village and city looked ready to have us back in less than 150 days when...... Tokyo February 2020 There was some discussion of the coronavirus, but the best medical consensus was that this would be similar to the flu – practice good hand hygiene (wash & sanitizer), cough into the crook of your elbow, and we’d be fine.  It still blows my mind to think how much the world changed over the next 2 [...]

octobre 29, 2020|Categories: Ressources COVID-19|

Head of Physical Preparation on Working with the Vancouver Whitecaps

This interview with Jon is an excellent example of selflessly contributing to the field by agreeing to make this submission while in the middle of the competitive season, a time we all understand can be stressful and time restrictive. Thank you Jon! CSCA: What was the key to you securing a job with the Whitecaps (did being a player help increase your odds of getting the job)?  JP: To answer this question, I will give you the background of how I got into the position I am currently in. I started at the Academy level in 2011, where I was brought [...]

octobre 29, 2020|Categories: Interviews|

Memorial University of Newfoundland Survey for S&C Coaches in Canada

My name is Jordan Foley and I am a master’s candidate in the Masters of Physical Education program at Memorial University of Newfoundland. I am conducting research on the characteristics of Canadian strength and conditioning coaches. Strength and conditioning coaches in Canada are invited to participate in this study. Participants will be asked to answer questions about their demographic information.  The results of this research will allow us to accurately identify the characteristics of strength and conditioning coaches in Canada and provide comparisons to National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) strength and conditioning coaches.   The survey should take approximately 15 [...]

octobre 16, 2020|Categories: Recherche|

CSCA Interview with Dr. Stuart McGill

Dr. Stuart McGill is an excellent example of a Canadian researcher who has influenced S&C coaches globally with is work. We are extremely fortunate to have such an approachable, knowledgable, and personable, person to learn from. The CSCA was able to catch up with Dr. McGill regarding items such as what his focus was as an undergraduate student, to his current venture. CSCA: What was your motivation to focus your career on back health / research? SM: My answer may disappoint you. I went to University more interested in playing sport than for academics - the football coach suggested I [...]

octobre 1, 2020|Categories: L'industrie, Interviews|

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