COVID-19 Post Infection Return to Play Protocols (Quebec)

Published On: janvier 28, 2021Categories: Ressources COVID-19

Canada just passed the one year anniversary of the first identified COVID-19 case in our country. While we are still learning what the after effects are, we trust the information below will be helpful when assisting the athletes you work with in their return to play planning post COVID-19 infection.

We are very fortunate that Alain Delorme, Préparateur Physique en Chef, from the Institut National du Sport du Quebec, has agreed to share the return to play protocols post COVID-19 infection, that he and his team have created, with the CSCA. Documents below are presented in French first followed by the English versions.

To note, the team at INS use the below as a starting point, from which they create specific guidelines for each sport and each athlete they work with.

Étapes 1 à 6 Consignes de retour au jeu (tableau A)
Étapes 1 à 6 Consignes de retour au jeu (tableau B)
Guide d’intensité
Steps 1 – 6 Return to Play Guidelines (Chart A)
Steps 1 – 6 Return to Play Guidelines (Chart B)
Intensity Guide

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