Entreprises ARTICLES

Nouvelles et recherches sur l’industrie

Athlete First Mentality – Backbone of a the Strength Coach

Jeff Watson - @coachjeffwatson The first step for all young, aspiring Strength and Conditioning Coaches is to learn what the athlete needs and why they come to see you. More often than not, they are not coming to you because they actually enjoy training. It’s more likely that a sport coach, a parent, a mentor or even a teammate has told them “You need to get Bigger, Faster, Stronger.” They didn’t come to you because of your education. They didn’t come to you because they think you are the best in your field. Sorry, ego shot. They [...]

février 12, 2025|Categories: Entreprises|

CSCA and CSEP Collaboration Announcement

The Canadian Strength and Conditioning Association (CSCA) in partnership with the Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP) is excited to announce the development and launch of Canada’s first and only strength and conditioning credential, the Certified Strength and Conditioning Professional (CSCP). The CSCP credential is allocated to an individual who has completed all academic and professional experience requirements and successfully demonstrated coaching and knowledge proficiencies set forth by the CSCA’s newly developed mentorship program.  Through continued collaboration with various national organizations, both employers and athletes will recognize that the CSCP qualifies a strength and conditioning professional to design and administer [...]

février 21, 2024|Categories: Entreprises, CSCA, L'industrie|

An Interview with Track Coach Les Gramantik: Part 2

CSCA Advisorty Team Member Carla Robbins continues her interview with track coach Les Gramantik. If you missed Part 1, click HERE CR: What kinds of lifts did you do in middle and high school around the time when you were becoming a good sprinter? LG: Parallel squat, power clean, hang clean, snatch, bench press. Not much coordinative stuff? It was nothing too sophisticated. Just heavy loads. CR: How frequent was this lifting program? LG: Pretty much everyday. It wasn't as structured as other things, like our running programs. They were more written down and followed, but lifting was almost [...]

juillet 28, 2023|Categories: Entreprises|

Craig Walker – Legal Challenges in Sport

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_xQUPPcChR4 This excerpt from the CSCA 2022 AGM is a talk provided by Craig Walker, President, Weightlifting Canada Halterophile. He presented on the significant legal challenges facing amateur sport organizations in Canada at our AGM. Litigation, mediation, and arbitration are now common, and it is costing amateur organizations in time, money, and volunteer resources. Craig discussed the evolution of litigation in sport and provided some insight into how these challenges will reshape organizations in the future.

décembre 28, 2022|Categories: Entreprises|Tags: |

A Collaborative Approach to Patient Care

Better outcomes, better interprofessional relationships, and better for business. For almost three decades I have been fortunate to work in a collaborative environment.  I began my career as a strength and conditioning specialist and found great joy in helping athletes; professional, amateur, and youth, achieve their dreams.  All too often their pathway to ultimate success was interrupted by injury.  Injury for most serious athletes is a part of the process, not an if, but more a when and how bad.  In my early days as an S&C coach I relied heavily on the expertise of the therapists working in our [...]

décembre 6, 2022|Categories: Entreprises|

CSCA Forum #3 – Branding and Marketing

The CSCA Forum #3 on branding and marketing video link is posted below. Featured topics covered included: the transition from the institutional to private sector, aligning personal and professional goals, and where exactly do you start with developing your own brand and business. Thanks to Jodi and Alena for sharing their professional insights into the complex but important process of promoting your business. https://youtu.be/Uwu05JZFq3Y Featured Quotes and Teasers: Core values are the foundation of your business – Alena Think about who your person (client) is and where they are spending their time (How to find and recruit clients) – Alena Staying true [...]

novembre 2, 2022|Categories: Entreprises|Tags: |

CSCA Presentation: Creating a High Performance Team

An overview of how to create a highly functional team and suggestions related to developing an appropriate culture, with former CSCA Board of Director and current Advisory Team Member Elliott Richardson. https://youtu.be/RFtWBifL4gY CSCA-Presentation-Creating-A-High-Performance-TeamDownload

août 14, 2022|Categories: Entreprises|

Facility Planning and Design

This webinar covers the general processes involved in designing your own facility. Whether small or large scale, there are important steps in the process to consider. This webinar also provides some tips and tricks for finding the best deals on equipment and a few shortcuts on affordable facility design. https://youtu.be/DcbxlvGCWzM

juin 14, 2022|Categories: Entreprises, L'industrie|Tags: |

Call for Advisory Team Members

We would like to invite members of our strength and conditioning community to become an Advisory Team Member (ATM). An ATM will be called upon to assist in many tasks, including; promoting the CSCA through social media, contributing articles for our newsletters, serving on committees, assisting in our yearly conference planning, and general planning for the organization. The ATM will be asked to attend the Annual General Meeting and will have voting rights on motions and elections for the organization. The ATM is an individual currently immersed in the profession who feels they could contribute time and resources to assist [...]

décembre 3, 2021|Categories: Entreprises, Carrière, CSCA, L'industrie|

Facilitating Behaviour Change in an Athlete-Centered Coaching Environment

Since 2019, the Fitness and Performance (F&P) department at the University of Toronto (U of T) has been continuously improving how to measure student needs, and how to deliver programming that meets, and oftentimes exceeds, those needs. At the foundation of this shift are two concepts that are growing in popularity throughout the industry, (i) Athlete-centered coaching, and (ii) leveraging a behaviour change framework, like the COM-B model (Capability, Opportunity, Motivation factors of Behaviour change). The University of Toronto recently conducted an extensive review of the Strength and Conditioning opportunities provided to students and student-athletes. An outcome of this review [...]

novembre 2, 2021|Categories: Entreprises, Programmation|


REGISTRATION CLOSES THURSDAY APRIL 29TH AT 12NOON EST / DATE: Saturday May 1st, 2021 WHERE: Virtual (Conference Link will be sent to participants the week leading up to the conference) Pre Conference Session and Introductions 10:40 - 11am EST BLOCK 1 12noon- 2:00 (AST), 11:00am- 1:00pm (EST), 8:00am- 10:00am (PST) Speakers: David Behm, Darren Steeves, Jonathon Fowles, Josh Nowlan, Ethan Rendell-Watson Moderator: Shauna Forsyth David Behm: Benefits of stretching for health: injury risk reduction and pain control  Evidence for the effectiveness of acute and chronic stretching for improving range of motion (ROM) is extensive and strong. Improved flexibility can have positive [...]

avril 27, 2021|Categories: Entreprises, CSCA, L'industrie, Interviews|

Part 1 – Return to High Performance Sport: Progress and Suggestions in the Midst of COVID-19

The objectives of this article are to share the processes, challenges, and successes of reopening facilities dedicated to high performance sport in Canada.  In so doing, specifics are shared related to one case study.  Additionally, in being open and transparent, practices outlined here within may be appropriate and applicable, for facility owners and operators, during reopening phases in the public and private sectors. Each Canadian Provincial and Territorial government links, for specific guidance, are included at the end of this article. Note, the comment/blog reply posting feature is activated for this article. We encourage you to post your feedback, replies, [...]

juillet 15, 2020|Categories: Entreprises, Ressources COVID-19, L'industrie|

Part 2 – Return to Training Guidelines for Collegiate Athletes Following the COVID-19 Shut Down

The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a significant restructuring of the way in which Canadians work and live, with sporting activities worldwide being significantly impacted.  Sport in most academic settings has been cancelled for the fall 2020 semester resulting in a 10 month withdrawal from most competitions, and in some cases, practice settings.  As a result, there exists some uncertainty as to appropriate practices for maintaining athlete preparedness during the shutdown.  It is important at this time to continue to support athletes in their development and to recognize the role that the S&C coach can play managing their wellness and [...]

juillet 15, 2020|Categories: Entreprises, Ressources COVID-19, L'industrie|

Remote Coaching Part 1: What to Use to Connect with Athletes?

As a coach, I have used multiple methods to track training programs and stay connected with the athletes I work with. When I first started coaching, remote coaching involved using either a phone or a fax machine.  My business partner and I recognized the challenge of programming and coaching for the athletes we worked with and approached a grad student at U of T to help design a program that enabled us to create, monitor and track programs electronically.  There were challenges, glitches, and growing pains, especially for our athletes who lived and raced in different countries. Although there were [...]

mars 26, 2020|Categories: Entreprises, L'industrie|

International Hockey Summit

This summer in Mont Tremblant, Quebec, Canada, Scott Livingston and Jaime Livingston and their company Reconditioninghq.com will be hosting the return of the International Hockey Performance Summit.   Scott hosted a similar Summit back in 1998 and 1999 to great success in conjunction with Perform Better.  This time they have created an impressive lineup of some of the best Performance Professionals in the world of hockey and this event stands to be a game-changer in hockey performance! Take some time to have a look at the Summit program online HERE and we think you’ll be impressed with the opportunity to connect with [...]

octobre 25, 2019|Categories: Entreprises, L'industrie|

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