December 2022 ARTICLES

Industry News and Research

Craig Walker – Legal Challenges in Sport This excerpt from the CSCA 2022 AGM is a talk provided by Craig Walker, President, Weightlifting Canada Halterophile. He presented on the significant legal challenges facing amateur sport organizations in Canada at our AGM. Litigation, mediation, and arbitration are now common, and it is costing amateur organizations in time, money, and volunteer resources. Craig discussed the evolution of litigation in sport and provided some insight into how these challenges will reshape organizations in the future.

December 28, 2022|Categories: Business|Tags: |

Resistance Training Can Improve Range of Motion

Authors: Shahab Alizadeh1, Abdolhamid Daneshjoo2, Ali Zahiri1, Saman Hadjizadeh Anvar1, Reza Goudini1, Jared P Hicks1, Andreas Konrad1,3,4, David George Behm1 Institutions: 1School of Human Kinetics and Recreation, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John’s Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada 2 Department of Sport Injuries, Physical Education and Sport Sciences Faculty, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran. 3 Institute of Human Movement Science, Sport and Health, Graz University, Graz, Austria 4 Associate Professorship of Biomechanics in Sports, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Germany Stretching has been considered an essential component of warm-ups, fitness, and health [1]. However, over the last 25 years it has [...]

December 7, 2022|Categories: Member Only|

A Collaborative Approach to Patient Care

Better outcomes, better interprofessional relationships, and better for business. For almost three decades I have been fortunate to work in a collaborative environment.  I began my career as a strength and conditioning specialist and found great joy in helping athletes; professional, amateur, and youth, achieve their dreams.  All too often their pathway to ultimate success was interrupted by injury.  Injury for most serious athletes is a part of the process, not an if, but more a when and how bad.  In my early days as an S&C coach I relied heavily on the expertise of the therapists working in our [...]

December 6, 2022|Categories: Business|
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