From Court to Career: How Coachable Athletes Become Top Employees
When an athlete takes a step back after their career to reflect, they will have a clear memory of coaches that made an impact on their development in athletics and on them as a human being. On the other side of that coin, coaches often reflect on athletes that were a joy to work with and have gone on to do great things in the adult world. Anyone who’s been a strength & conditioning coach or a sport coach for athletes below the age of 25, knows that it’s not until the athlete has stepped away from their pursuit [...]
CSCA In-person and Virtual Conference 2023 Recap
Based on CSCA members' feedback and expressed desire, the CSCA Annual Conference for 2023 was a mix between in person regional events, and virtual sessions from coast to coast. The conference began on Friday May 12th with a virtual keynote shared across the country facilitated by Andrea Neil. Her session related to developing leadership as a coach was insightful and well received by the CSCA conference attendees. Follow the keynote address, CSCA President Trevor Cottrell shared information related to the CSCA professional acreditation coming for S&C profressionals. If you did not attend the session, be sure to follow the CSCA [...]
What I learned From Being an Intern
(by Natalie Skene) “What comes next?” This is the dreaded question that plagues some senior Kinesiology students’ minds as they enter their final year. It’s at this time in our academic journey that we must commit to establishing our futures. This can be a very scary and difficult moment for us since we’re still discovering our passions, maturing, and figuring out which direction we want our life to head towards. When I originally applied to study Kinesiology, it was my goal to work in rehabilitation. It fit so well with my love of helping others achieve their goals and my [...]
Blurring the Lines in the CFL: Insights from Brayden Miller
One of the questions I often ask students that are applying for an internship with the Winnipeg Bluebombers is “what do you think we do here?” Obviously a fairly nebulous question, but the answer can provide a lot. From the outside looking in, one might expect a strength and conditioning coach working in the CFL would be responsible for just that (S&C). But working with the Bluebombers has been much more than just S&C (whatever your definition/roles/responsibilities might be). When I was hired for the position in 2017, it wasn’t because I had football specific insight and training experience. I’d [...]
An Interview with Track Coach Les Gramantik: Part 1
In this article, CSCA Advisory Team Member Carla Robbins shares about her connection, and the details of her first interview, with track coach Les Gramantik in this three part series. Introduction In 2010, three years after I moved to Calgary, and while completing my undergraduate degree at the University of Calgary, I moved in with someone named Rachael McIntosh. Rachael was a Canadian National team heptathlete at the time, who had just moved to Calgary to train with a new coach. This was after changing her sport pathway and letting go of her scholarship at the University of Pittsburgh [...]
The Use of Velocity Based Training in a Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Setting
During the late 1990s, developments in technology allowed S&C coaches to begin measuring the velocity of weight room movements. Coaches began to implement the use of this technology with their athletes and studying the outcomes on performance. Further innovations in Velocity Based Training (VBT) technology increased during the 2000s making the tools more accessible to S&C coaches. Currently, coaches around the world are using VBT in a wide variety of settings and populations. VBT is known to be an effective training modality and benefits include the autoregulation of lifts, enhancing specificity of movements, and improving athlete motivation (1, 2). VBT [...]
2023 CSCA Conference Join us Virtually May 12, 2023 Join us Live May 13, 2023 Nova Scotia - Dalhousie University Ontario - Sheridan College British Columbia - University of British Columbia CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS
Performance Coach/Entraîneur de Performance (Montreal, Quebec)
PROFIL DE LA PERSONNE RECHERCHÉEVous possédez les compétences, les comportements et l’état d’esprit nécessaires pour créer et mettre en œuvre des programmes et des expériences efficaces, à la fois en personne et en ligne. Vous êtes en mesure de travailler dans un environnement collaboratif et en constante évolution,de gérer efficacement votre temps et de mener une tâche ou un projet à terme. Vous êtes enthousiaste à l’idée de soutenir et d’accroître votre clientèle d’entraînement personnel. Voici un aperçu des compétences, des comportements et de l’état d’esprit que nous recherchons : Compétences :Vous concevez efficacement des expériences axées sur l’utilisateur.Vous communiquez de manière [...]
Black Internship Positions at McMaster – Full Time – 1 Year
JOB INFO: The Department of Athletics & Recreation provides students, staff, faculty, alumni, and the greater community the opportunity to pursue athletic excellence and recreational activities. The mission of the department is to cultivate human potential and well-being through recreation and sport. The operating units of the department include interuniversity athletics, recreation, and sport medicine. The Department of Athletics & Recreation is pleased to offer recent graduates who identify as Black the opportunity to apply for a one-year paid internship. We are seeking three (3) qualified candidates for this opportunity. The internship positions are designed to provide valuable work experience [...]
Performance Solutions Workshop (Vancouver)
An active workshop for therapists, kinesiologists and coaches to improve their ability to get performance-minded athletes/clients back to their sport/activity, and how to best work in collaboration with medical professionals. For additional details and to register click HERE
McMaster Performance Summer Strength & Conditioning Female Coaching Internship
This opportunity is a paid 18-week internship providing hands on experience in the field of Strength & Conditioning in a University athletic setting. Individual selected for this position will work 10-15 hours/week under the direction of lead performance coaches. The total compensation for this position is dependent on candidate as hours are flexible based on candidate needs and areas of interest. The purpose of the Summer S&C internship program is to educate an up and coming coach in all aspects of sports performance coaching. Selected intern will assist with and help train varsity athletes from a wide range of sports, [...]